
Excellence and Honor

What We Worked On Together

Quantitative Research

Competitor Scan

Positioning and Messaging

Visual Identity

Brand Guide

Viewbook Development

Short-form Positioning
Pingry is a K-12 co-ed day school spread across three campuses in northern New Jersey. But for a lot of people in the highly competitive New Jersey independent school community, Pingry needs no introduction. It’s a Beyoncé-level mononym, and signifies many of the same things: achievement, excellence, brilliance, vision.

So when Pingry asked us to help them refine and update their brand and admissions materials, we were flattered—and a little intimidated (imagine Beyoncé asking you to give her a makeover). We started by doing what any Pingry student would do: our homework. We interviewed almost 100 people from all facets of the school (students, faculty, alums, parents, staff, etc.). Then, we fielded a survey to internal audiences as well as newly admitted families and prospective parents, which garnered over 1,200 responses.

After a lot of thinking, discussion, and feedback, we hit on the key insight: Pingry’s awesome reputation and high-achieving community meant that it sometimes felt more like a Fortune 500 company or sports franchise instead of a school. There’s some truth to that, in that there is excellence in abundance at Pingry, in many different ways. But behind the achievements and the excellence, there was also a simple, unifying reality: At Pingry, they love school.

Those five words formed the cornerstone of our messaging, which centered on the incredible achievements of Pingry’s community, but also the excitement and energy and love that comes along with them. We infused these same qualities into our visual identity work, including a refined wordmark, color palette, and even some spirit marks (there’s a lot of spirit at Pingry). It all came together in the viewbook, “What We Love About School,” a 90-page book with elegant cloth binding and foil stamps, is sort of like the Cadillac of viewbooks.

Pingry has comprehensively implemented the messaging and visual identity we developed together with all the thoroughness and thoughtfulness that you’d imagine. We continue to partner with them as they develop their forthcoming strategic plan, and we’re grateful to them for picking us as their creative partners. At Pingry, they love school. At Generation, we love Pingry.

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“Generation understands K-12 schools in a way that is exceedingly rare. They’re versed in navigating complex expectations from clients and calibrating messaging and visual identity that strikes a careful balance of ‘who we are right now’ and ‘who we want to be on our best day’ to create an end product that is authentic, inspiring, and memorable.”
Emily Cooke
Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications
The Pingry School
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