George School

Brighter together.

What We Worked On Together

Qualitative Research

Positioning and Messaging

Mood Board & Visual Concepts

Brand Guide

George School, in Newton, PA, was on a roll: an innovative new curriculum, recently revamped athletic facilities, and a strong legacy of alum giving. But in the wake of COVID and in the middle of a search for a new Head of School, George School wanted to ensure that all that momentum was directed in a unified way.

After an immersive discovery process, we were impressed by the strength of the school’s Quaker values, a shared lens for looking at education and life. Channeling those values, we worked hand-in-hand with George’s client committee to develop bold new positioning and messaging that emphasized George School’s uplifting quality of being brighter together.

Our collaboration with George School also included streamlining and systemizing a diffuse visual identity. The refreshed logo symbol, colors, and typography brought together meaningful and resonant symbols for generations of George School students: the Sunset Oak and the Meetinghouse. The color palette includes a nod to George School’s legacy colors of buff and brown, which were still resonant with alums

The result? A rebrand that honors George School's past while painting a fresh, captivating picture of the future for prospective students and families.

When we stepped back to reflect on the work we did with George School, it was gratifying to witness the Quaker spirit throughout our process. With a collaborative, democratic way of working together, exceptional results emerged, affirming that indeed, we shine brighter together.

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“We thoroughly enjoyed our work with Generation. Their thoughtful approach, keen listening, attention to detail and patience have all contributed to the fact that our team feels confident about the quality of the work and its value to our community. The response to our new branding has been tremendously positive!”
Patricia O'Neill
Director of Marketing & Communications
George School
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